Welcome to my world.
There's a debate going on about any merits or threats that may arise from artificial intelligence, and its becoming increasingly clear its getting out of hand. 'Is artificial intelligence good or bad?' I hear people asking all the time, but the answers still a subjective one as far as I can see. So, everyone has their own experience, better or worse, and each is different from the rest. And all you hear in the news is it's a resource that needs to be managed, but that suggests, to me, that it still isn't clever enough to manage itself. The simple fact of the matter is that it's artificial and can't be intelligent all on its own. Some people have to get together and work together in order to make their products and services look and appear to be intelligent. Some, professing to be the industry experts even if they're not, just seem to be spreading a lot more rumours than truth about it. They're as many and varied as the stars it would appear, and even when they get together to talk about it they don't concur. Despite the controversy, the contradictions, and all the made-up, dreamt-up, trumped-up nonsense and hoo-ha, they always say they have some sort of terribly ominous fear or grave concern about the way it's going to affect the human race. But, it's not as bad as they think it is when you consider the human race has a choice in how it all works out and AI doesn't.